Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Things I Miss

Today was the first day back to school for the Talawanda teachers and students.  In sympathy for this day, I woke up at 2:45 and could not get back to sleep. ( In fairness I should say that I really don't know why that happened as I was really tired!) So I guess I could say I miss teaching after a holiday when the kids are all excited to be back and with their friends. I get that because I miss my friends, too.  I also miss teaching. I do thank God for my friend Barb who lets me help with her kids when they are homeschooling. It is a one on one situation and so good.for her boys.
I also miss having a lot to do. Some days I have so much to do and other days are just waiting days where there is nothing to do. I have been working on my afghan and that helps to fill time. Yesterday I did some cleaning which also fills time. This is not a favorite activity of mine!
Over the Christmas vacation and New Year I had a lot of fun texting with friends. I am not doing this now and I really miss this electronic connection. Sometimes I think that I did this because of good reasons and sometimes I think that was a crazy decision. Why stop something that doesn't hurt anyone else and brings you joy?

I miss my mom. she died a year and two months ago, but I still wish I could talk to her about things and I still wish she and Dad would come for a visit.


  1. I wish I was missing going to work, but instead I have to go every day .. ah well.

    I miss Mom too. I think about her often.

    1. Well You need a 4 week vacation to get that feeling! I am thankful and I am sure you are too thankful that you have a great job!
