Saturday, January 7, 2012

Special Days

Today is Old Rock Day. What should I do to celebrate? Label my rocks of course. 
This morning as I was reading the paper I came across this list of things one for each day to make each day special and thought I would look up everyone's birthday.  Katie I know you once made me a book of crazy special days , but I don't know where it is . I had it at school and it may even be something I gave to Ashley but this is here and now. And it is fun to find special days for special people.

So beginning in February (Joe please Share this with Alicia as I don't have her real e-mail address)
Joe's birthday
- Charles Dickens Day... Should we all read a Dickens novel and discuss it? Or maybe go to see a musical rendition of Oliver?
Katie and JJ's Birthday
Build a scarecrow day... Should we all build a scarecrow for Katie's summer garden?  I also looked at June 30 which is the day we sometimes celebrated for the other person's birthday. That is Meteor day. Maybe this is a day to go rock hunting for meteors?
Lita's birthday
Roller Coaster Day: That sounds like a day to take a trip to an amusement park. Need I say more?
Alicia's Birthday:
Thrift shop day  
Who knew we could shop cheap and maybe find some treasures on this special day?
Jonathan's Birthday
Radio Day--- 
What is that? Well a day to visit a Radio station or to listen to a program together on the radio no matter where we are we can still hear the same thing.. Other ideas?
My Birthday:
Cake Day: Let's have a cake (or cupcake) decorating contest or maybe for Joe just make a bunch of cake balls and share them with random people.
 Should I add this to my list of 52 things which I think is now on 35 And make the list up to 41?
Oh,  Thea's birthday is also world Sauntering day : Strange but interesting. 


  1. can you scan the list and send it to me? (or have Katie or Lita do that for you?) It sounds great! For Joe's birthday, you could have a movie night and watch a Dicken's movie. Radio day -- maybe find one of those old radio shows and listen y'know, "the shadow" or something. I guess we can all saunter around on my bday. is that like lurking?

  2. Good thinking. I am going to try and find it online from the paper for you.
