Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Will It snow?

Today I went to the grocery store because I was out of dish soap. Yes, family I do do dishes. No one was in the parking lot and the employees were busily cleaning up the shelves and floor and other places. I turned left and skipped over the veggies, as I have plenty. Then I looked at the bread shelves. They were almost empty! Good thing I don't need any bread! The meat was very fresh looking and like the bread the milk frig was almost empty.
Then I realized, the whole town must have been to the store today because it is going to storm tomorrow~ go figure. Between Wednesday and Friday we might get between 3 and 6 inches of snow. Well, be prepared the motto of any good citizen of Liberty. So I got a few things myself. Not too much because it is just Lita and me here in my house. I almost forgot the dish soap but then recalled it. The parking lot was no longer empty when I left about 20 cars of people had come in as I shopped.
After doing the few dishes that will not go into the dishwasher, I sat down and finished a book I started before Christmas, then came into my bedroom to watch a t.v. show. Unbelievably schools are on 2 hour delay already. Now I am going to stay up for the 10 o'clock News to see what time they are predicting the snow will arrive.
Is there some sort of primitive need to horde because it is cold and snowy? Do school districts trust the weathermen more in the evening? Does this happen other places? Well time to do a snow dance and sing "let it snow".

1 comment:

  1. I don't get any snow days -- wish they'd have sun days or something!:)
