Friday, January 8, 2010


Time for more reflections as well as cleaning, organizing, and preparing for the next few days months years. When we were children people always asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Well, I always said, "I want to be a teacher and go to Miami University." I did both of those things and I still am a teacher. I also wanted to live in a white house with a porch that went all away around it, be a wife, a mother, own a Mustang (car), live at the beach, own cats and a poodle (not happening). These are just things are are things among other things I did.
Another way to look at the days of my life is to ask what do I want to be? Healthy, happy, smart, kind, good, rich, diligent, friendly, patient, compassionate, honest, God fearing, obedient, accepting, loving, enthusiastic. I am sure there are other adjectives I need to use to describe the person I want to be. Those words, however, are a good start.
I am not sure there is a way to meet these goals though. I have heard that it is important to read, write, talk and listen every day. So maybe those are characteristics of personality that I need to work on with practice as I deal with the people, and places in my life, while I read, write, talk, and listen.
Now to decide which one to work on first. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. perhaps to answer these questions you need to figure out:

    What makes you happy?
    What makes you feel smart?
    What makes you feel compassionate?
    and to do those things?
