Friday, January 15, 2010

What I love about kids!

Third graders are so cute, not as cute as 5 year olds but cute! We were reading through the table of contents in the old reading book and talking about the stories we read. We found one that we did not cover.So we read it. It was a story about a code with a code in it to crack. The whole group minus one was on top of it. We got it done and figured it out and went on, but the minus one ( who hadn't even left the room) plugged in again and kept trying to figure out the code. He wouldn't stop until it was done.(again) Instead of thinking about it in his mind he had to have it written on paper. So while the rest of us moved on he kept at it. It is great to see kids excited about codes, you goota love them!

5t5s 3a.m. and5 amt5 46d. 1o5w 5lll aygo odn5 ght!
Codes sure are easier to fix on the computer!

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