Monday, January 25, 2010


Today's vocabulary word was mischiefWell, one of the students said that his step brother was full of mischief. So full he had to go to JVC, that is jail for kids. He then proceeded to tell us the whole story of how it started with the trip to a Gamespot store and ended with his step brother breaking out the car window and walking from Hamilton to Dayton. ( Actually the last did not happen as the story progressed we learned that the police found him trying to do it.) Such drama. Is it any wonder that he has trouble settling down to read a good book? What does the story about a coyote have to do with is real life?
Well I am remembering some mischief that my children got into- dumping the cereal into the washer- J.J., stealing a park sign-Katie, unbuckling his harness and running through the store into the store window- Jonathan, talking back to the college student helper-Lita. Nothing quite as scary as this though. That boy's step brother has some kind of anger issues.


  1. for the record mom I didn't take that I was the recipient of it - it was a gift.

  2. All the bad things I have done and all you could come up with was unbuckling my harness and running through the store? I do appreciate you not saying anything to bad

  3. You had the reputation of the bad boy to uphold.
