Monday, August 3, 2009

Writer's Notebook

Writing is a good thing. Being a writer is a good thing. I keep my writings in a writer's notebook. Katie gave it to me. I think someone decorated it for her, but maybe she decorated it for me. I love the brown colors and the ribbon to tie it shut! When you blog sometimes you can't think of a thing to write about but since I found my writer's notebook, now I can come up with lots of thoughts.
One thing you do with a writer's notebook is make lists. Lists like pets and favorite foods and favorite songs and colors and holidays and people. Another thing is to recall favorite events and places and people. Oh don't forget things.
My favorite thing as a little girl was my brown dog. I loved that brown dog, I took it everywhere and i especially had to have it when I went to sleep. The worst thing I ever did as a little kid was to forget my brown dog. I once forgot it at a friend's house and cried until the cabbie turned around and we went back for it. In those days my parents didn't have a car and we went places by bus or cab or trolley car. I once left it at my grandmother's home in Chicago and she had to mail it back to me.
I loved that brown dog so much I chewed the ears right off, rubbed the fur off. In fact it doesn't have much stuffing now. I know because my mother sent me a box with some childhood mementos in it and there was my brown dog.
See what I mean? Just thinking about a thing can make a person come up with a writing idea. I wonder if that dog is still in the box? Should I take a photo of that and add it to this good idea? Why not? It was a good thing back in the 1950s when I was a little girl!

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