Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Dentist

Today I went to the dentist. When I was brushing my teeth, the tooth brush bumped my front tooth and cracked it. So I went to have it filed the porcelain one not the real tooth. The sound of drilling and the taste of tooth dust is till in my mouth.
Later today the receptionist said there was a cleaning opening so I had my teeth cleaned in the afternoon. Wow! That was sore on my jaw and the sound of scratching is still in my ears.
In between I played school.
Then tonight we had soup and crackers for diner. I was biting the cracker when my tooth broke in half! so now I have an appointment for the dentist agin on thursday at 8:30 a.m. bright ad early.
Did I ever tell you the story of why I have a dead front tooth? In 10th grade you have to take gym or at least in 1967-68 you did. One of the activities in the winter is gymnastics and that includes trampoline. As I was learning to do a flip on the trampoline and the gym teacher was holding on to me, I flipped over her and landed on the floor. Actually it was one of those blue gym mats. My teeth bit my leg and it was loosened. So I had a root canal. To prevent infection the dentist gave me antibiotics, which gave me an intestinal problem that lasted for months. (probably was only a week but it seemed like months) The only good thing that came out of it was that in the end I weighed all of 120 pounds, and stayed that thin for 8 years. So that is the story of the dead front tooth. It didn't turn black though until 2000 or so. At that point it was time to get it capped and now I have to get it recapped!

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