Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Kentucky Thanksgiving!

Here I am in Kentucky with Jo Ann and Sam and Mom-law for Thanksgiving. It is warm and partly sunny.  The trees have no leaves and the house is the same. Yesterday as I drove across  across the Ohio/Indiana Kentucky bridge I saw smoke from the electirc plant and wondered what this river looked like about 250 years ago. Definately not the same as today. The trip was uneventful until along I- 65 I saw lots of cows just grazing in the fields. And that was basically uneventful too!
As I studied the book of Genesis this morning in the quiet of the house, I learned a few things about Abram and his wife Sarai  and the city of Ur that I never knew before. I wondered where God is taking me and guiding me now?
Other than that all is the same here.

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