Saturday, May 5, 2012

On-line dating

Well first of all I just want to say, I live in a college town. I love Oxford, but there are some disadvantages. The first one is that  many (like 15,000) of the people who live here  are between 18 and 21. That being said, it is hard to find someone who is your age and has your experiences to date. I really didn't know who  to meet and how to find someone to meet. My last date was with John, and we all know how that turned out! so I joined a dating site. My initial reaction was why do all these foreign guys keep trying to meet me? Do I look foreign? then my next excitement was someone sending me flowers. Only the flowers never came because the credit card was denied. And then someone wanted me to send them a cell phone.My word on-line dating is weird. I was terribly excited last Sunday, a man asked me out for brunch, only one problem it would take me two days to get there! Ok!!
Yesterday, I finally went on my first date it was not amazing and it was not with someone with whom I felt an instant connection. It was with a nice man and I liked having adult conversation. FY I some men like watching the Bachelor and Bachelorette!
So there you have it. Me stepping into the 2012 dating scene.


  1. so are you going to see him again?

  2. no no connection at all. I couldn't hardly think of anything to say!
