Saturday, May 5, 2012

Every Cloud has a Silver Lining... Perseverance

So today I am continuing on this topic the silver lining.  A very new friend Rose graduated today, from Miami with a master's degree in social work or family living or what ever it is called these days. In her honor there was a party at Tutu and Ayo's house. We sang a praise song from Africa for her. While there I made some new friends. In talking with these new friends I met someone who was from Liberty and knew a teacher friend Barb Cox. It is a small world.
"Make new friends and keep the old. One is silver and the other gold." That is the words of an old song from Girl Scouts.  I am thinking that I may not be able to keep one of my oldest friends dear to my heart. There is too much emotional conflict. I long to keep that friend but struggle with things.Because of the struggles I long to be in Heaven and then I wouldn't have to struggle with anything- work or taxes or anything.
So what is the silver lining?  Do not throw away your confidence you will be richly rewarded. You  need to persevere. In struggle with friendships, work, and life. Persevere.

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