Friday, March 2, 2012

Tornedo Sirens at 3:30 Or why I AM not a Principal

 I was substitute teaching and the siren went off at the end of the day. All the kids were on the bus so the principal; had to decide what to do. Get the kids off the bus or send the buses home. I would have sent them home, but he got all the kids off and into the basement to wait for an all clear sign. Eventually he had an all clear from the Butler County Police.

When the kids got back on the bus many of them were scared. Many of them were crying. Some parents who had come to pick up their children couldn't find them. However one of my students had the right idea.
Earlier in the day I read a chapter from Roxie and the Hooligans where the main character has lots of strange adventures. She is often escaping bullies and She says repeatedly, "Do not panic!" One of my students, Ethan Zhou said to me as he got back onto the bus, "Do not panic." And I had to laugh.  His words made some of the other children brave and leave with smiles on their faces.
I really miss teaching.

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