Sunday, July 5, 2009

Good Things

When You live in a small town there are some good things.
You really can know your neighbors. When you walk around the block you can stop and chat with people who have lived there like you for 15 years.
You know their kids and they know yours and you feel connected as you catch up.
When you pay your doctor bill you know that your neighbor will continue to have a job.
When you buy something made of plastic, your neighbor who works in a plastic factory will still have a job.
You can celebrate the 4th of July with a tradition- A parade with tractors and Water ball.
Your co-workers are on the fire department and if you get sick or injured a stranger won't be caring for you, someone you know will.
Your friends can sit on your porch and see the parade and you can tell how much the kids have grown up since last year.
You can go to the grocery store five times a day everyday and see your friends who work there laugh at you because you're forgetful.
You can meet someone new and discover they live in the house down the street with the beautiful ferns and get invited over to have a cup of coffee.
It is a good thing in a small town.

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