Saturday, August 3, 2013

The 50 Greatest Novels Written

In preparation for writing I am also reading great novels and so I am beginning with  To Kill a Mockingbird. After reading the book I plan to look at it from an author's view point and really study all the things that a good novel needs - a point of view a protagonist an antagonist etc. and keep notes hopefully I can become a better writer this way. I also know that I have already read a good portion of these books but I have not studied all of them for a long, long time. In spite of knowing the basic plot I still find this novel gripping and can't wait to meet the Boo and to see how Atticus Finch acts at the court room.
Another book I just finished was called Tadpole by Ruth White. Obviously not my mother but still the author caught my attention. This one shares a few similarities with To Kill a Mockingbird. I will not go into them here, but I plan to keep a note book with thoughts about both of the books. It is not on the List but it did win an award for children's literature.


  1. What other books are you reading? i read to kill a mockingbird earlier this year. I really enjoyed it!

  2. East Of Eden
    Sister Carrie
    Catcher in the Rye
    The Big Sleep
