Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Changed Life

According to Jonathan Jones by new I phone will change my life. So I decided to make a list of things I already know changed my life.

My birth changed my life: well duh....
When my brother and sisters were born my life changed.
Moving to new places changes your life.
Learning things from my cousin Kate changed my life.
Learning to read, write, and compute, changed my life.
Spending 10 weeks in Oxford, Ohio when I was 6 changed my life.
Learning to drive changed my life.
Graduating high school and going to college changed my life.
And getting married and divorced and having children and children and children and children changed my life.
Traveling to Europe, to various places around the U.S. and even hiking around Oxford.

But the one thing I always tell Jonathan~Knowing Jesus changes your life not a phone. That change is really the only important one.

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