Monday, September 19, 2011


This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. That about says it all, for every day.
This weekend I had to make a smart but also good choice. The realization that a choice had to be made began about a week ago. Jonathan helped me in making this decission. The decision I came to was a very hard one. I did not want to make it, because like so many people I wanted to have my cake and eat it too. But you can't do that. Even the wedding cake you save in the refrigerator has to be eaten or thrown out!
When you meet some one when you are 17 and spend time together sometimes daily for 6 years that doesn't mean you know each other well or that you have a future. When you communicate with someone on line even for 11 years you don't really know them. You might think you do because you pray for them through their struggles and celebrate their victories, but you don't. Friends for 41 years who cross the line have to say good bye. God will affirm this choice and give the strength for today and hope for tomorrow to remain true to my word. So amidst tears and longing I said goodbye until we meet in heaven.
On Friday I also made another choice. It too is a good one. I love my children and so I can better help them by helping myself, I have decided to go to counseling. I was in an abusive relationship for 18 years. And I can't help myself much with this without others who are wise in their advice.

God is good, all the time and He is making changes in this heart of mine.

1 comment:

  1. I am praying that you will have the strength you need to stay strong.
