Monday, May 23, 2011

Building stamina

When you are recuperating you are building stamina for every thing (except being in bed.) At first I couldn't even read very long. Then I couldn't sit very long or even walk very long. It is hard to build stamina. I should set daily goals I suppose. Like walk one mile or one block or 1/2 a block and do it until I think I can go longer. But I do better with dates than with goals. I think.
Here is how I am building stamina without goals- go out on alternate days and walk to get the mail and walk to the end of the block and back. Sunday walked from the car into the library. I did not take the stairs. Monday go Krogering and only get veges and fruit while Lita gets the rest.
My students build stamina for reading and math so they can take the OAA tests. It takes stamina to run and play other sports too.
I have not so much stamina right now for sitting so I will stop chatting/writing.

1 comment:

  1. it's good you are building some stamina .. it takes time. I'll try and call you tomorrow ..
