Saturday, March 26, 2011

Spring Break! Or a snowy day in March.

FYI the cupcake is for Katie Jones!Spring Break is here! So far I have spent the afternoon with a friend and cleaned house good pasttimes for spring.
Over break I have a list a mile long.
1. Officially get my name changed back to Anna Kelly
2. Get my ssn card and license changed to Anna Kelly
3. Take the Toyota to Richmond and have the fog light fixed
4. Spend time with a friend or family member every day
5. Cook up some meals for a week
6. Go to the doctor
7. Go to the eyedoctor
8. plan for school and talk to the student teacher who is going to work with me for two weeks.
9. go to the movies
10. go shopping for new jeans.
11. Plan for a trip to Atlanta in the month of June!


  1. Happy Birthday... eg spring break! I hope you get all those things done. I think we should work on Trip to Denmark too! Don't be scared it will be AWESOME!
