Thursday, March 24, 2011


This week at school we had to have ( well not really had to have, but could choose) to have our blood taken and our health examined. I usually do this and Wednesday a.m. was no exception. Fast all night (very hard for me) then get to school early with a Mc Donalds breakfast for after the blood draw. Well, my numbers were not good. So it is back to the drawing board for diet and exercise. I am at a high risk for a heart attack. I need to go and do a dietary counseling I guess, but I don't really want to because I know what they are going to tell me. It is what I always tell myself. The best thing I can do is add in exercise.
I tried to think of a picture but instead I will post my results:

Date Chol HDL LDL Chol/HDL Ratio Trig hs-CRP Glucose TSH IHI
March 23, 2011 189 35 109 5.4 224 131 2.830
April 14, 2010 158 38 88 4.2 161 111 2.210 3
April 1, 2009 216 43 139 5.0 169 124 1.894 32
Desirable < 200 > 50 < 130 < 3.6 < 150 < 1.1 < 100 0.4 - 5.0 <= 0


  1. don't be too discouraged .. just hang in there. a little bit every day.

  2. you'll get there mom. Sometimes you just have rough days.
