Sunday, December 12, 2010

Is it Christmas yet?

I think my brain is going mush just like when I had a baby.I mixed up a set of parents and thought that I had already held a conference with them when it was a different set of parents. I couldn't remember where the check out stand was in Kroger. I lost my keys and looked for them for 2 yes two hours and they were in my sweater pocket. I am choosing to believe they were somewhere else and God took mercy on me and an angel put them there for Karen to find. But I do remember where my house is and I can find my way out of Southern Knolls. I also know the way to work in the morning and the way to San Jose. Just give me a map. All those years at AAA have to be good for something!
Christmas break is just around the corner, but I hope the snow keeps us home tomorrow as I need to do Christmas cards. Be of good cheer, hope, joy and love.

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