Thursday, February 7, 2013

Cleaning ?

If any one out there likes to clean let me know. I like a clean house and mine isn't really very dirty, but it could use a good vacuuming and  I know I need to dust the dressers in all the rooms as well as the book cases.
When you live by yourself and no one is expected to come over it is hard to stay motivated to keep the house clean. As a result I have been saying all week: You need to clean the bathrooms; you need to clean the mirrors. You need to run the vacuum and dust. But some how I choose to do other things. Actually my house is small and so it won't even take an hour. So if I just get up and get started it will be done for the month of February.
Things to do instead of clean:
Watch a tv show~Thank you Lita Schriever for helping me move the tv by the window.
Call a friend.
Go for a walk
Call the auto place about getting the brakes replaced.
See there are a lot of other things to do this afternoon since I don't have to go to work. Well, maybe if I clean someone will drop by for a visit. One can always hope!


  1. you could always try just doing it for 15 minutes and then rewarding yourself with something you'd rather be doing ..

  2. I hate cleaning too. but really sometimes you need to.
