Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Too Tired to Blog Every Day Or what was I thinkin'?

Well, the first Silver lining was the story of the chicken place/ the second blog was to be prepared. And the third and fourth are lessons learned.
Lesson one: Do not go to do laundry at the laundramat on the first day back from a vacation. Why not? Well, for one a person is too tired after work that first day to do anything except go to bed! And for two, a tired person will forget to do some of the important wash, like the sheets and towels.
The silver lining? It is good to take your 18 year old daughter along because, she has energy!
And now for lesson two:
Always make sure you are using the correct account number for paying your on line bills. Aa $589.26 electric bill was not my idea of a good piece of mail. The silver lining- I can solve money problems myself especially when they are recorded on-line. Computers are good!

1 comment:

  1. It's always good to take someone along when you do laundry at the laundromat!
