Saturday, September 29, 2012


Gosh, I am tired! I spent the weekend (23 hours). Friday night and Saturday morning with some of the ladies from OBF church. We drove down to a lovely area near Cincinnati and stayed in hotel style rooms with rather hard beds. The ride down was good with Kathy, Tutu, and Barb. At the retreat location we had three meals, one was fried chicken, a hay ride and marshmellow/hershey s'mores. This was the first retreat I had been on since Jonathan was a baby. It was also the first one that was girls only since 8th grade.  I loved that the place was the same location where Lita had 4-H camp.
After this trip I feel I know Barb and Tutu much better and cemented my relationship with Kathy even more. Not only did we have my favorite food, but we did each other's nail.  And we wrote letters of encouragement. When was the last time that ever happened? Well, Katie, Kathleen and I did that once this summer.
Terry led a prayer and discussion over materials presented by the speaker, Angela Thomas, no relation to the famous Danny Thomas daughter.
My reaction: thank God I know the God who changes ashes into Beauty. Kathy felt it was very good and useful. Barb,Tutu, and I not so much, but maybe we were just tired from staying up and talking? Sometimes the barbecue sauce needs to soak in a bit before we taste the flavor.

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