Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas 2011

Still no pictures, sorry about that. I can't find the cords. I have unpacked every box. So unless they were thrown away, maybe I will find them when I least expect it. Christmas was so exciting. I drove up to Katie's on the 23rd so I could help by baking cookies and getting a few things cleaned. We also went out with some friends for Thai night and enjoyed some new tastes. The next night we had dinner with them again and enjoyed their little boy Peirson. IN addition to seeing the movie, "Warhorse" with Katie, I also watched the "Book of Eli" and "Shattered Glass" and some Wonder Years with Jonothan. All of those were good entertainment. Some of these have more redeeming value than others. Christmas Eve we went to Katie's Metro Church and had a very traditional service in the company of alot of reforming/reformed alcoholics/drug users. They did not sing too many of the carols but the rest of us did! Then Lita arrived. ON Christmas morning we had a Dutch pancake for breakfast. That didn't fill us up so we had some Thai for lunch made from spaghetti noodles and opened about a zillion presents. Joe and Alicia came for a speciao dinner and we opened presents again. Way too many for grown ups. So there it was Christmas- baking, movies, presents, good food, and friends. Let's not forget the real meaning of the season though, "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior which is Christ the Lord." May your holiday always be merry, bright, and true.

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